venerdì 21 settembre 2012

Three of Life

Dear Readers,
Today is Le Blog de Zazie's third anniversary! 
The creation of this blog has been one of the greatest ideas I have ever had in my life, I swear. 
As I use to say: I would have never imagined, when I started, the incredible things that this blog would have brought to me. It has been a big, big adventure since day one, and it still is.
I wrote about 150 posts, I had the chance to meet film-makers, actors, actresses, people working in cinema, I have been to many avant-premières, I have seen more than 200 movies, sometimes in different parts of the world, I wrote posts that I never published, I had to erase a post that I wrote because somebody got furious at me, and everything, every single thing, was more intense and more important because I could WRITE about it in my blog.
But, by far, the most beautiful thing has been your presence.
To know that you are out there, reading what I would like to share with you about the thing that I love most in life: cinema. If it wasn't for you, my blog would be just another useless thing among many others. But apparently you ARE there and, incredibly enough, you read what I write.
So thank you, dear readers!
I'd be lost, without you.

And since it is Zazie's third birthday, I leave you with the best danse à trois of the cinema history, the one of Bande à Part (1964) by Jean-Luc Godard. 

Bande à Part - Dance Scene from Maria Tavares on Vimeo.

8 commenti:

  1. Magari un giorno ne parlerò, adesso ancora non me la sento. Triste storia. E vabbé...

  2. bacio, cara, e complimenti per la scelta del titolo, da splendida cinefila

  3. In effetti vado molto fiera dell'idea che ho avuto per il titolo di questo post. Finalmente quel film è servito a qualcosa! ahahah!

  4. A nome mio e di tutti quelli che non hanno gli strumenti per, auguri!

  5. A nome mio e di tutti quelli che non hanno gli strumenti per:


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